Monday, September 10, 2007


Allright, the Motion Week has been concluded with the Individual Motion Task deadline today. I am a bit sad that I was kept from my group's motion presentation on Friday, and I feel I should have been with them since they apparently slaved all through the night to have the film finished for the presentation (while I limped home at around 4am, weakling as I was). Anyways, my personal task of creating 15 seconds of motion was finished before bed yesterday and uploaded to my Facebook profile as well as being the first use of the domain I registered some time ago.

Here's a link to the full-quality version of the animation. Download the latest version of Quicktime, then feel free to laugh at my simple attempts.

The thing I'm most happy with is the sound. I estimate that the total time it took for me to record, edit and enter that stuff into AfterEffects can't have taken me more than five minutes, and that includes finding my headset and configuring that crappy mike to pick anything up.

Anyways, with my motion stuff finished, I can now focus on the Information Society assignment.

and where the ancient kings are buried, new kings will rise and stand

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